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Everybody is talking about the remote jobs UK vision for the future, where everyone that can work from home, but is remote working really as good as it sounds?


Everybody is talking about the remote jobs UK vision for the future, where everyone that can work from home, but is remote working really as good as it sounds?

In the United Kingdom at the moment over 14 million people do work remotely jobs or businesses. That is a massive investment in the home based industry and since the pandemic in 2020 it is only going getting bigger. Some work part-time, others full time, some are self employed and other work for the man. This new world order of flexible and remote working seems to be here to stay. However, what is the reality and can I be apart of it?

A question I have been asking many of my friends is how challenging has this pandemic been on their lives? It has been hard on all of us and even harder on others where their work demands that they leave the home. Most tell me of the struggles and how family life and personal relationships have suffered under the strain of sitting around all day and the reduction of money for even basic things.

Fortunately, for my wife and I, we have been working from home for over 20 years in the UK and even in Spain and Europe. The desire to live in Spain was the impudence that gave us the idea that working from home was going to be our best mode of income. It simply ticks all the boxes for me and my wife and in the passed allowed us to live and work where the thought took us.

While writing this page I reflected on our lifestyle and from our point of view how lucky we have been. I don't mean in regards to the pandemic, but simply the freedom we have had already. We still need to get up in the morning and start work, because working from home doesn't change our responsibilities. I like to get up about an hour before my wife so I can make coffee and breakfast and then ease myself into the day. My wife on the other hand is not a morning person and so needs a coffee before doing anything.  We have found that regardless if we are working in Spain, the UK or anywhere else in Europe we have our personal working areas and timetables.

Why am I telling you all this?

Working in the UK or Europe remotely means doing the same thing that you may have been doing in your office job. There is still all the responsibilities and stresses of a normal job, but you are in a home environment. However, for us it has allowed us to travel and work where ever there is a fast enough internet connection. The pandemic simply made us realise how lucky we were, while friends and family went into a melt down. However, even though my wife and I weathered the storm very well, suggesting to family and friends that they could try working or running a business online and at home was rebutted.

Why are jobs working from home on computer not for everyone?

We do get it!

We have been doing home working for many years and understand the risks. Family and friends have not and have seen us as slightly mad for living and working out of a laptop. Unfortunately, we are all at a societal bypass where the decisions we make today will determine our future. In my opinion, even if one of the family works remotely, they will be able to bring in some extra money. This may be enough to save the family from financial meld down and give a sense of hope for everyone involved.

Top 5 reasons to do work remotely jobs

For a quick overview of the top 5 benefits of remote working via video, click on the video on the right


There is no doubt about it the fast internet connect in the UK has made it far easier to start full or part time jobs working from home on computer. Some home workers have an employer and others work for themselves. Regardless, if someone is employed or freelance the advantages and disadvantages are similar. The only thing that may be slightly different is that the freelancer has a lot more flexibility, but also responsibility.  The responsibility comes from that fact that they are running a business rather than employed.

The main attraction for many is the thought of how flexible and time saving their life could be. Such as the idea that we can work naked if wanted or have long lunches and go on holiday anytime. The truth is that flexible working is not that flexible. Stuff still needs to be done, because without daily actions and goals nothing will happen and no one will get paid.

My own experience on how to optimize work remotely jobs

The honeymoon period when we start working from home is great, however we realise that routine and socialising is the key to remote working. For many years I would do a short walk to my home office in a T-shirt and jeans. Then sometimes to mix it up go to a local cafe, so I felt I was going to work. It is a good way to refresh yourself during the week before you start getting bored of sitting and working from home.

Work remotely jobs


Here are a few of the pros and cons that you should think about before working from home in the UK.


Of course, I am spinning the positive, because I have my own experience of working from home, aboard and online. However, I am discussing the main positive aspect of work from home online jobs UK.

  1. You will be saving a massive amount of time: The travelling time will be almost zero which will also mean, no car needed, no travelling sometimes 2 hours a day to work and home and you are even saving the environment because you are not put fumes into the air everyday.
  2. You will save a lot of money from not driving to work: Looking at the big picture, the UK will save about £4 billion and 600 million man hours if people worked at home. Just for a minute consider the savings you would make without having a car.
  3. You will have a far more flexible working days: So, you have the option when you can work and when you need to take the kids to school. This is great if you are a single or stay at home mum.
  4. You can choose where you work: As I mentioned, using a cafe to work helps keep things fresh, so know your local wi-fi hotspots. In addition, having a smartphone with 4G will keep you up to date where every you may be including using your laptop almost anywhere.
  5. You can arrange Zoom / Online meetings: No more rushing to get to the office for that meeting that lasts 30 minute after you have driven over an hour to get there.
  6. You may find that you have more job and work satisfaction: Many home workers are simply happier at work and more satisfied and productive. In many cases the commute to work is the most stressful part of the day, so many workers are already burnt out before they have even started their day.
  7. Many companies have found that a remote worker is more productive: This comes from the technological advancements as well as their home environment. Employer have found that their workers get more done in flex jobs work from home as well as 40% more creative.
  8. Interesting research from Finland: It was found that sick leave dropped by 30% and as much as 50% for civil servants and government employees when they where asked to work from home during the pandemic.
Work from home online jobs UK


Even though the positive is optimistic and existing for those looking to advance their careers and businesses. There is always a double edged sword and a negative spin for the remote worker. I am personally willing to take the rough from working at home because the positive aspect are so great. However, here are the negative parts of working from home.

  1. Social isolation: For those of you who enjoy the social aspects of working in an office remote working could be very difficult. However, one way around this problem is by arranging a work date with a friend or doing a trip to a local café. Also, a team group call could be set up twice a week via Zoom to simply catch up and have lunch.
  2. Career advancement: There is an argument that being out of an office environment, there is a possibility that you will lose social skills that are important if you are wanting to develop and advance your career. However, this may be an advantage for those shyer more introverted people who are already struggling to connect socially at work.
  3. Lack of discipline working from home: One of the main problems for many doing work remotely jobs is taking responsibility for their work. The home worker needs discipline to work without the classic hierarchical office structure.  The home worker needs to set themselves rule such as dress code, working hours and break times until they feel they have a structured day that then can be flexible.
  4. Working too much: There is a massive tendency for some worker to continue working way past their finishing time. As mentioned create a fixed working day or hours so you know when you have finished.
  5. Always on call: One of the biggest problems for the home based worker is everybody believes that you are on call 24 / 7. Decide what your working hours are and turn off you phone when you are not working.
Remote jobs UK


The question is how flexible do you want to be and do you want to be employed or self employed?

The more flexibility you want the less chance you will have in being employed and that is the fact of it. Fortunately there is no lack of options for someone wanting to work for home remotely in the UK. It will ultimately come down to your skill level, your education and the time you are willing to invest. 

At the moment in the United Kingdom it is possible:

  • To start a home based business. For more details Click Here
  • To earn between £15 - £35 an hour as a freelance remote employee (You may find that you are working for a few hours a week or 30 hours a week) For more details Click Here
  • Or if you are lucky enough to be a Remote Senior .NET Developer you could get £45,000 per year. For more details Click Here

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